Monday, July 6, 2009

Updates on Kyla and 4th of July weekend

Kyla is doing really well. Shes starting to potty train.. the other day she told me "poo poo" i asked her if she wanted her potty, she said ya, i got it out and she used it! It was awesome. Then yesterday again it was just out and she was naked she sat on it and went pee. Hopefully this is going to be easy since nothing else has been. Today i've been pushing it and she hasn't used it. So im gonna let her just tell me like she has been or let her do it on her own for a while since thats what is seeming to work. Other than that her uncle ryan is in town and she is thrilled. Everyday she wakes up asking "where unkah go?" Hopefully one day we will convince him to move here.

Weekend has been pretty awesome. Friday we went down the clackamas river, what a scenic drive, we found a little beach at the end of the tube run in a place called carver park and had a swim it was like 90 degrees out. Later that night we bbq'd at my sisters house and i made the best sangria ever. Saturday we went to Yale lake in Washington and took the boat out and relaxed. After we put Kyla to bed, Simon and I enjoyed a panoramic view of Portlands fireworks from our deck. Sunday we ate amazing mexican food and took brother bear to washington park and downtown to the blues festival and walked around. Then we BBQ'd again over here. Simon has to work this week on the coast somewhere and is staying in a hotel so we are all bummed about that. We may drive up and stay a night if he has his own hotel room. Anyway ill post some photos from the weekend, and a video of Kyla. I'll update again after brobear goes home. xo

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