Friday, July 24, 2009

Beautiful day in Oregon

Too bad Kyla is no where near taking her nap, i'd like it to be over with so i can go out and enjoy the day. I'm thinking zoo and train ride then talking someone into having cheap dinner with me so i dont have to cook. This day is making me miss my friends alot. What i wouldn't give for jess to move to oregon!!!!!!! MOVE HERE JESSSSS! Or Juli and her family, or Jeanell and hers can move back, Jolie??? One of my stay home mom friends that would be stoked on rad playdates. I'm trying to get out and make mom friends its not east when i just miss mine from home. Meeting hippy moms at the park is not the same as hanging out with friends ive had for 5-10 years who are now moms and share my interests and memories. Don't get my wrong i LOVE it here. So beautiful and so much to do i just feel like i dont get to fully experience things when i do them by myself all the time. I got Tiffany but she isnt a mom and im sure she doesnt want to do that mom thing that often. One day i'll convince some one that Portland is FAR better thanOrange County. Till then............. more summer photos.

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