Friday, July 17, 2009

toddler bed?

Kyla made her way out of her crib this morning and nearly gave me a heartattack. I woke up to my door rattling and thought it was wind coming from our slider in the living room so i got up to shut it and you can imagine my shock to find kyla wandering around our living room.. especially since her bedroom door was shut and i know she cant even lift her leg high enough to crawl out of her crib(or so i thought) My issue now is that i know shes not ready for a kid bed since shes a wild sleeper and if she wakes up in the middle of the night, which she does most nights, she wouldn't know to come wake me up so she could get into alot of trouble and if it was quiet trouble id sleep through it. We have an 18 month check up coming up on moday so ill ask her ped. On another note dont ever take a tired toddler to your doctors appointments. I had one today which proved to be a nightmare. I was exhausted and embarressed by the end. They had to draw blood which made Kyla go completely insane, one cause she was as scared as i was and two she wanted the ball the make you squeeze. I found myself using the line that ever mom uses.. "Shes not usually like this, shes just really tired" Then i realized lately, she is usually like that. Total bummer terrible 2's are. If your my sister and your reading this, im still mad you flaked on babysitting today!!!!!!!!!! If your a friend with a kid kylas age going through the same thing, GUHHHHHHH im sorrrry. I think we will swim now since its like 90. ill try and get a video of kyla in if i get a chance. Usually at the pool i gotta be ready to dive in and save her at all times since she hasnt got much sense of caution. thats all.

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