Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Kyla has been really active this summer and especially likes the water. Rivers, lakes swimming pool, the beach. She jumps right in and kicks her legs and tries to float on her back. We've taken tons of trips every weekend its a new adventure. The photos are of Kyla on the beach in Huntington on our CA trip, the only time i got out of the house really. The other one is her at Sandy river in Troutdale. Such a nice day, we found a perfect little beach. Its been really hot here lately average 90 degrees. We finally broke and bought one of those window AC units that looks SO ghetto with a board covering the rest of the window. This house stays 90 degrees till about 11 at night so we couldnt really handle it anymore. Kyla had her 18 month appointment the other day and totally wooed her pediatrician with how much she talks. More than most 2 year olds. Shes slimming out only gained a pound in 3 months, but shes really active too and eats a bunch. Then she got 4 shots poor girl was so bummed out. The sticker she got after made her forget all about it though. Shes still really testing me as to whats ok and whats naughty. I hate that she does bad stuff but then is so cute that i cant be mad at her. Like when i caught her coloring on the plastic drawer. This makes my dad happy since i was such a bad kid he figures now i get to see what i put my parents through. SO mean. Im posting a swimming video of Kyla trying to say hi to grandma and grandpa in New Zealand and California. Sorry i suck at formatting this thing, i still dont get it. Maybe next time ill write about our trip to the old cemetrey behind our housethat was creepy and interesting. Now i gotta go get
kyla out of time out she got put in for smackingme.

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