Tuesday, July 28, 2009

pool party, cemetry, and 18 month check up

Kyla Enjoying a cheeseburger

Kyla getting ready to make the plunge

Kyla with the flamingo

Kyla in the fountain at Mt Scott park

Trying to stay in the shade

Yes that's a cemetery don't judge me

Kyla before her 18 month shots

Kyla after her 18 month shots

Friday, July 24, 2009

Beautiful day in Oregon

Too bad Kyla is no where near taking her nap, i'd like it to be over with so i can go out and enjoy the day. I'm thinking zoo and train ride then talking someone into having cheap dinner with me so i dont have to cook. This day is making me miss my friends alot. What i wouldn't give for jess to move to oregon!!!!!!! MOVE HERE JESSSSS! Or Juli and her family, or Jeanell and hers can move back, Jolie??? One of my stay home mom friends that would be stoked on rad playdates. I'm trying to get out and make mom friends its not east when i just miss mine from home. Meeting hippy moms at the park is not the same as hanging out with friends ive had for 5-10 years who are now moms and share my interests and memories. Don't get my wrong i LOVE it here. So beautiful and so much to do i just feel like i dont get to fully experience things when i do them by myself all the time. I got Tiffany but she isnt a mom and im sure she doesnt want to do that mom thing that often. One day i'll convince some one that Portland is FAR better thanOrange County. Till then............. more summer photos.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Kyla has been really active this summer and especially likes the water. Rivers, lakes swimming pool, the beach. She jumps right in and kicks her legs and tries to float on her back. We've taken tons of trips every weekend its a new adventure. The photos are of Kyla on the beach in Huntington on our CA trip, the only time i got out of the house really. The other one is her at Sandy river in Troutdale. Such a nice day, we found a perfect little beach. Its been really hot here lately average 90 degrees. We finally broke and bought one of those window AC units that looks SO ghetto with a board covering the rest of the window. This house stays 90 degrees till about 11 at night so we couldnt really handle it anymore. Kyla had her 18 month appointment the other day and totally wooed her pediatrician with how much she talks. More than most 2 year olds. Shes slimming out only gained a pound in 3 months, but shes really active too and eats a bunch. Then she got 4 shots poor girl was so bummed out. The sticker she got after made her forget all about it though. Shes still really testing me as to whats ok and whats naughty. I hate that she does bad stuff but then is so cute that i cant be mad at her. Like when i caught her coloring on the plastic drawer. This makes my dad happy since i was such a bad kid he figures now i get to see what i put my parents through. SO mean. Im posting a swimming video of Kyla trying to say hi to grandma and grandpa in New Zealand and California. Sorry i suck at formatting this thing, i still dont get it. Maybe next time ill write about our trip to the old cemetrey behind our housethat was creepy and interesting. Now i gotta go get
kyla out of time out she got put in for smackingme.

Friday, July 17, 2009

toddler bed?

Kyla made her way out of her crib this morning and nearly gave me a heartattack. I woke up to my door rattling and thought it was wind coming from our slider in the living room so i got up to shut it and you can imagine my shock to find kyla wandering around our living room.. especially since her bedroom door was shut and i know she cant even lift her leg high enough to crawl out of her crib(or so i thought) My issue now is that i know shes not ready for a kid bed since shes a wild sleeper and if she wakes up in the middle of the night, which she does most nights, she wouldn't know to come wake me up so she could get into alot of trouble and if it was quiet trouble id sleep through it. We have an 18 month check up coming up on moday so ill ask her ped. On another note dont ever take a tired toddler to your doctors appointments. I had one today which proved to be a nightmare. I was exhausted and embarressed by the end. They had to draw blood which made Kyla go completely insane, one cause she was as scared as i was and two she wanted the ball the make you squeeze. I found myself using the line that ever mom uses.. "Shes not usually like this, shes just really tired" Then i realized lately, she is usually like that. Total bummer terrible 2's are. If your my sister and your reading this, im still mad you flaked on babysitting today!!!!!!!!!! If your a friend with a kid kylas age going through the same thing, GUHHHHHHH im sorrrry. I think we will swim now since its like 90. ill try and get a video of kyla in if i get a chance. Usually at the pool i gotta be ready to dive in and save her at all times since she hasnt got much sense of caution. thats all.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Things Kyla does all the time that drive me crazy *edited for dad*

-jump on couch (and almost everytime i dont stop her in time she ends up falling off and crying) this applies to bed too.
-throws food all over house if shes full or doesn't like what shes eating (i find food in the weirdest places like in a vase on the window seal)
-takes all the shoes out of the shoe closet, (its always the grossest dirtiest ones she wants to play with)
-pees on the floor (then tries to play in it)
-goes in my bathroom drawer and spreads the contents all over my room. (she used to play with my leg shavers i had to move them and everything else thats dangerous)
-fills up cups of water in the tub and dumps them all over the floor. (or splashes all water out of tub)
-throws anything and everything off the deck. (they used to leave it till i get down to pick it up, not anymore i've lost so much stuff)
-tries to pick stuff up thats too heavy and gets mad that she cant. (gallons of milk)
-dumps glasses of water on the floor (and plays in it)
-jumps on the couch, i cant emphasize how much i hate this.
-climbs on top of changing table, coffee table, tv table, kitchen table, nightstands (attempts to jump off)
-does something bad and tries to distract me by smiling and waving and saying "hi mommy"
-eats crayons
-eats dog food
-tries to eat my food and wont eat her own. (probably a huge contributor to why ive lost so much weight)
-whines when in the car more than 10 minutes.
-tries to climb out of the cart in the store and pulls stuff off shelves. whines.
-says "owie" whenever she wants out of her car seat
-whines "bubbefth" until i get out the bubbles
-tears all the pages out of her pop up book from grandma. (it was her favorite one, i guess not anymore.)

Monday, July 6, 2009


Me and Simon at waterfront park, seestar mi mi kyla and brother bear at waterfront park, two tired babies on 4th of July at Yale lake, Pretty view of Mt St Helens on Yale lake, Kyla and Si swimming in the lake, trees and sun, Brother bear swimming the clackamas river and Kyla and miles playing in the Clackamas river.

Updates on Kyla and 4th of July weekend

Kyla is doing really well. Shes starting to potty train.. the other day she told me "poo poo" i asked her if she wanted her potty, she said ya, i got it out and she used it! It was awesome. Then yesterday again it was just out and she was naked she sat on it and went pee. Hopefully this is going to be easy since nothing else has been. Today i've been pushing it and she hasn't used it. So im gonna let her just tell me like she has been or let her do it on her own for a while since thats what is seeming to work. Other than that her uncle ryan is in town and she is thrilled. Everyday she wakes up asking "where unkah go?" Hopefully one day we will convince him to move here.

Weekend has been pretty awesome. Friday we went down the clackamas river, what a scenic drive, we found a little beach at the end of the tube run in a place called carver park and had a swim it was like 90 degrees out. Later that night we bbq'd at my sisters house and i made the best sangria ever. Saturday we went to Yale lake in Washington and took the boat out and relaxed. After we put Kyla to bed, Simon and I enjoyed a panoramic view of Portlands fireworks from our deck. Sunday we ate amazing mexican food and took brother bear to washington park and downtown to the blues festival and walked around. Then we BBQ'd again over here. Simon has to work this week on the coast somewhere and is staying in a hotel so we are all bummed about that. We may drive up and stay a night if he has his own hotel room. Anyway ill post some photos from the weekend, and a video of Kyla. I'll update again after brobear goes home. xo