Friday, October 23, 2009

forgot i had this blog!

pumpkin patch
fire pit on our street
mt tabor
winter park
end of summer zoo trip with mom
corn maze
polar bear
fall into fall
beauty and the messy living room

Things have been cooling down here in Portland, its been high 50's to low 60's and raining off and on. Starting to get that cooped up feeling again. I got Ky a jungle gym to put in the living room since we cant go to the park that often anymore. She likes it alot, i don't. Its HUGE. Other than that we are planning our month long vacation in feb/march2010. California and New Zealand. Hoping to take Kyla to Disneyland and have a bbq for her birthday again at my dads. We will only have a few days in Ca so it would be cool to have everyone i wanna see come over and bring kyla presents! haha. Simons good, working alot and playing soccer. Kyla has a cold right now and with the flu scare i've been keeping her isolated till i can get all her vaccinations. Thats just me, over worrier. Shes getting quite tempermental and likes to get into anything she knows is naughty, and gets these horrible tones with me yelling at me and telling me "NO MOMMY ITS MINE" hitting pulling hair, ect.. terrible twos? i hope its just a stage. Sleeping has been hard, i dunno if its a mix of stuffy nose and teething but she thinks its play time between 230 and 430 am. I think maybe once i get her out to play and run around she will sleep better. Right now we are spending alot of time indoors. Its taking its toll on both of us. Ill post some photos. im off to put her to bed now.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

my name is kyla i like to party

fun with daddy
ni ni sun
angel baby

Thursday, September 17, 2009

been a while

first ice cream cone
nap time
mt scott park with baby addy
probably our last chance at the pool.
one quarter equals pure bliss at fred meyer
happy valley park
oregon state fair petting zoo

Things have been pretty good. Calliou is on at the moment so i have a second to update. Shocking how big Kyla is getting, shes counting to ten, she likes to skip 5 and six sometimes. She knows most of her colors, has trouble with red, and some of her shapes. Shes a total copy cat and its so funny. She answers herself all the time. When she says thank you she follows it with your welcome. Or when she says "Im messy mommy" she follows it with "thats okay". The other day i caught her asking her monkey if he was hungry and if he wanted a sandwhich, and followed that with yes!!! We start gymnastics again in october. Her favorite. I'm doing okay. Looking forward to going home to cal to see friends. Hopefully ill make it for my brothers grad, and erins baby shower AND kylas 2nd birthday. All her buddies are down there whats a birthday without kenadee kincey damien vaugn and new addition lila. Plus ill be stoked to see everyone too and maybe actually have a night out. Totally craving greasy mexican food so ill post some new photos and go get some tacos. xo

Friday, August 21, 2009

dam and edgefeild with hadleigh and emla

This last weekend we got to have the best houseguests ever. They did dishes, helped watch Kyla for us, even cooked us a delicious roast dinner. It was almost uncomfortable, i felt so little like a host. Hadleigh and Emla came and stayed with us. It was alot of fun and we already miss them tons. Here are some photos from Some dam in the gorge, i already forgot what its called, and one photo from Edgefield where we stopped for dinner and a drink on the way home. Pretty good day overall. Even though the security guard at the dam was racist again kiwis or something.

Growing up

Just taking a second to address "growing up". I am just thinking back to being an irresponsible kid, unruly teenager, college, dropping out of college, bad decisions, not holding jobs. Not just me, but basically almost every one of my friends. Its insane to see how much we all have grown up. Graduating college, having kids, getting married, pursuing careers, buying houses, buying cars, actually paying off credit cards. My most irresponsible decision in the last 3 years is buying Kyla a pair of 27 dollar shoes when we just bought a car so we are broke. Im excited to go back to school, get a good job and buy an amazing house with my husband and daughter, when just a few years back, it would be something lame like big parties or nights at some bar in costa mesa with my friends having far to much to drink. Guess what im saying is wow we all have our "big girl pants on" now.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the hike

Took Kyla on a hike last weekend with my sister and her family. It was soo beautiful. It still amazes me how pretty and clean and fresh oregon is. Im so happy to be here and i do not take advantage of all if has to offer enough. Although the hike was fun, it was a mile to the waterfall and i would not take Kyla on anything longer than that. Shes not small enough to throw on your back and call it a day. The trail like any had spots that would be way too unsafe for her so we had to carry her which went fine at first, but by the time we made it to the fall, she was tired and antsy and wanted to be left alone. The whole way back i had a very stubborn toddler that wouldnt let us carry her and i wanted to rip my hair out by the time i got back to the car. 1 mile was okay, but anything else would prolly push it too much. We found this really cool cave with out a flash light we werent able to really explore. Plus it was a little cold, if it was one of those really hot days we had last week, it would have been so amazing to jump in the water and go under the waterfall. But it was still good. I can't wait to explore more and for her to get a little bigger so im more comfortable taking her on outings like that. For now i think i enjoy being places where its ok for her to run around and do her own thing. So i guess things are going pretty well. We are having Simons best friend from NZ and his lady over for a week so i have been trying to prepare for house guests again. *we really need a spare room for everyone that comes up to visit since its like once a month* I love the company, its nice having people around since i get real lonely just me and Ky, Simon works really long hours. Anyway better finish stuff around here. Next posting we will probably have a new family car to show off and more adventures with Hadleigh and Emla. Stay tuned <3

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

4 yards of purple twill- 6.00
elastic band- .20
flowery tutu=soooooooo fun
I almost paid 20 dollars for a version of this at the saturday market. New hobby i can profit from? If i get better at it. Im going to for sure make her a really cute witch costume for halloween either way

Sleepy bear.

Im a mean mommy. Kyla keeps taking these super long naps and i get bored after 2 1/2 hours so i go in and take pictures of her till she wakes up. I love that she looks so much like a baby when shes asleep. I miss my little baby. I love my crazy toddler but i miss my cute little baby. Shes totally not a mouth breather even though she looks like it in one of the pictures. "i do it mommy" her new favorite words when she wants to do something by herself like climb out of her crib. That or "a salf"(myself)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

pool party, cemetry, and 18 month check up

Kyla Enjoying a cheeseburger

Kyla getting ready to make the plunge

Kyla with the flamingo

Kyla in the fountain at Mt Scott park

Trying to stay in the shade

Yes that's a cemetery don't judge me

Kyla before her 18 month shots

Kyla after her 18 month shots