Friday, October 23, 2009

forgot i had this blog!

pumpkin patch
fire pit on our street
mt tabor
winter park
end of summer zoo trip with mom
corn maze
polar bear
fall into fall
beauty and the messy living room

Things have been cooling down here in Portland, its been high 50's to low 60's and raining off and on. Starting to get that cooped up feeling again. I got Ky a jungle gym to put in the living room since we cant go to the park that often anymore. She likes it alot, i don't. Its HUGE. Other than that we are planning our month long vacation in feb/march2010. California and New Zealand. Hoping to take Kyla to Disneyland and have a bbq for her birthday again at my dads. We will only have a few days in Ca so it would be cool to have everyone i wanna see come over and bring kyla presents! haha. Simons good, working alot and playing soccer. Kyla has a cold right now and with the flu scare i've been keeping her isolated till i can get all her vaccinations. Thats just me, over worrier. Shes getting quite tempermental and likes to get into anything she knows is naughty, and gets these horrible tones with me yelling at me and telling me "NO MOMMY ITS MINE" hitting pulling hair, ect.. terrible twos? i hope its just a stage. Sleeping has been hard, i dunno if its a mix of stuffy nose and teething but she thinks its play time between 230 and 430 am. I think maybe once i get her out to play and run around she will sleep better. Right now we are spending alot of time indoors. Its taking its toll on both of us. Ill post some photos. im off to put her to bed now.

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