Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the hike

Took Kyla on a hike last weekend with my sister and her family. It was soo beautiful. It still amazes me how pretty and clean and fresh oregon is. Im so happy to be here and i do not take advantage of all if has to offer enough. Although the hike was fun, it was a mile to the waterfall and i would not take Kyla on anything longer than that. Shes not small enough to throw on your back and call it a day. The trail like any had spots that would be way too unsafe for her so we had to carry her which went fine at first, but by the time we made it to the fall, she was tired and antsy and wanted to be left alone. The whole way back i had a very stubborn toddler that wouldnt let us carry her and i wanted to rip my hair out by the time i got back to the car. 1 mile was okay, but anything else would prolly push it too much. We found this really cool cave with out a flash light we werent able to really explore. Plus it was a little cold, if it was one of those really hot days we had last week, it would have been so amazing to jump in the water and go under the waterfall. But it was still good. I can't wait to explore more and for her to get a little bigger so im more comfortable taking her on outings like that. For now i think i enjoy being places where its ok for her to run around and do her own thing. So i guess things are going pretty well. We are having Simons best friend from NZ and his lady over for a week so i have been trying to prepare for house guests again. *we really need a spare room for everyone that comes up to visit since its like once a month* I love the company, its nice having people around since i get real lonely just me and Ky, Simon works really long hours. Anyway better finish stuff around here. Next posting we will probably have a new family car to show off and more adventures with Hadleigh and Emla. Stay tuned <3

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