Saturday, May 21, 2011

spring came at summer time

Just about June and spring is finally showing up. Couldn't have come at a better time. I'm in the middle of a "I hate Oregon and I wanna move home but I can't cause I dont make enough money" rut. Happens just about every time I hang out with someone from home, then watch them go home while I'm stuck here. After 3 years you would think I would have put some roots down and made friends, but I can't seem to let go of "home". Anyway now that I have finished school, Kyla is starting preschool, and the sun in finally showing its face after a long 6 months things might start looking up for me. I am going for an amazing job, and hopefully we will be buying a house next spring. Kyla is growing up so fast. Shes a little fish with her swim lessons. Shes so good. She knows all her letters and how to write them, reading is the next step then she gets a dog (we made a deal with her). We've got a few vacations this summer.. Bend in a couple weeks, OC for a week in August, hopefully I can get a room on the coast for a night at some point. Maybe see the sea lion caves. In laws came from New Zealand last month, it was really awesome spending time with them, they just adore Kyla and it breaks my heart she doesn't get to be around them all the time. It is what it is though and we get to go to New Zealand every other year so thats pretty awesome! so ya.

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