Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mt. Hood

dream within a dream

Last night i had these weird dreams, or one big dream, im not sure. But everything started out normal. I was laying in my bed, with my husband, aware or Kyla in the next room, I seemed to be awake. I heard Kyla playing in her room and i yelled out "you better go to sleep in there" and turns out i was dreaming, because I think i woke my self up actually screaming that out. So i fell back asleep and went back to the same dream, except my bed was in some sort or bank or financial institution, but at the time i thought it was normal and i was awake. Then something happened that made me realize it was a dream, and i wanted to wake up, so i did.. or so i thought, as time went on i realized i still was dreaming. Then i started to panic because i really wanted to wake up, i kept asking my husband to wake me up in my dream, but he was nonresponsive, and eventually disappeared. After "waking up" but not really waking up at least 3 times that i remember, i asked some woman (who appeared behind this counter at this bank where my bed ended up) why i couldnt wake up. She first tried to deny i was asleep, then told me i couldnt wake up cause i was in jail, or something like that. I finally woke myself up somehow and i had this really bad feeling that if i went back to sleep i might not be able to wake up again, but at the same time i was SOOO tired, so i did go back to sleep and that was the end of it, at least as i can remember.

Thought i would start recording my dreams, since sometimes they are so vivid and i almost always remember them. Since i dont use this blog for anything but photography might as well use it as a dream journal too. Interested to find out more about dreaming and meanings of dreams. Maybe someone will have some input?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Trillium Lake

Good 2 mile hike around the lake. Perfect temperature, and the water was so warm, too bad no one was prepared for swimming. Next time we will have swim suits and our tubes with us to float around on the lake. Can't wait to see it become ice and get covered in snow. What did you do this weekend??

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Zoo day

Another day at Oregon Zoo with my boo bear.

Falls fall Washington

So pretty! I almost didn't make it, about half way there i got hot and lost Kyla and Simon and barfed behind a tree. After resting and Simon pushing me, I finally made it, and it was well worth it. So i guess im really out of shape...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Kyla the Photographer

Tennis ball

Grocery store clerk

Rainy day

Kyla Capturing the moment of me driving in the pouring rain

and her feet

and her legos

and her dad on the computer

and me reading

Its her new favorite thing to do and it gives me time to relax for 15 minutes at a time. She goes around taking pictures of just about anything in sight from my phone, and sends every photo she takes to my online album. I found these today while paying my phone bill. Thought it was kind of cute to see what she sees. xxx

Thursday, May 6, 2010

So i forgot again. I keep everyone updated through facebook anyway. Nothing new really. Spring here is beautiful but frustrating with the bipolar weather. Sunny and nice turns into hail storms in less than a minute. I'm attempting a garden on my small deck. So far, nothing but its only been about 2 weeks. Kyla is doing good. We are really just getting ready for the summer so we can get in the pool and spend time outdoors. Tomorrow we are going to these hot springs, supposedly its a nudist colony or sorts so im hoping we dont run into too many nudies. Been trying new recipes and working at the clubhouse here in my apartments. Told Simon i would move to New Zealand for a year to try it out after he becomes a US cititzen so thats always in the back of my mind. We have so much of this beautiful state we want to explore before we leave so we are really looking forward to the summer and road and camping trips. At the moment our passports are with the inlaws while they try and get Kyla New Zealand Citizenship but when we get them back we are going up to Vancouver, hopefully by then my friend will have had her second baby. Second babies for me still arent even a thought. I just went through so much tramatic events with Kylas birth i can't even fathom trying it again. Plus i blaim almost every health issue i have on that since its been 2 years and i still dont feel the same, and i suspect i never will. I made a new friend with a son around Kylas age so that has been fun but almost awkward. It's like i spend so much time alone that i don't really know how to act around people. I only just started getting comfortable with Tiff before she took off for Germany. So i guess from here on out ill try to remember to post photos and such of our adventures we are planning on. xxx