Sunday, June 28, 2009

I guess ill start with recent updates. I'm still poking around figuring out how to post pictures and videos so i'll have like 5 new posts all from tonight. Anyways this is a photo of Kyla and her buddy Vaugn. My friend came up from california with her son and spent the night/day with us. It was fun having another mom that i'm good friends with to hang out with and talk too. Also good to see Kyla playing with another kid her age. Its cool to see where they are similar and different. They got along (mostly) except when they were hitting eachother over a toy. Its funny how boys and girls are different, while kyla likes her baby dolls and girly stuff, Vaugn was all about anything with wheels and balls. Makes you wonder if gender preferences are learned by observation or if there is a gene that makes girls prefer "girl stuff" and boys prefer "boy stuff". Kylas learned a few new things like how to count to 4. ill post a video sometime. Other than that the rest of the weekend went pretty good. After dropping Juli and Vaugn off, we had a short swim with my sister and her kids, then i laid down and relaxed since i didnt get very much sleep the night before. Had brunch today with a friend, got a little bit of an anxiety attack but it was nice to have adult conversation for once. Lots going on this week. My brother is flying in Wed. for 2 weeks and i also have a Dr. appointment (trying to tackle this anxiety situation) Hoping to take Kyla to the zoo thursday or friday with my brother.

kylas animal noises

learning how to do the blog thing

Guess its time i figure this out being that its 2009 and no one communicates by visiting or phone calls. Internet sites like facebook and myspace, or if your lucky you get an email or text message. Thought this would be a good way to keep friends and family literally across the world up to date on Kyla and the rest of our little family. As soon as i figure out what im doing ill let everyone know about this.